Cannon Fodder To Vi...
By ElectraEmerose
  • Fantasy
  • alchemist
  • anotherworld
  • aspec
  • cannonfodder
  • darkfantasy
  • electraemerose
  • fantasy-romance
  • femaleprotagonist
  • fiction
  • isekai
  • kingdom
  • lgbt
  • magic
  • mystery
  • mythicalcreatures
  • overpowered
  • paranormalromance
  • reborn
  • reincarnation
  • revenge
  • romance
  • texttospeech
  • transmigration
  • villain
  • villainess


Amber chose to become a VILLAIN Amber had worked all her life to become a surgeon and had died on her way home from her graduation ceremony. She'd done all of that work for nothing. She hadn't even had her first kiss yet! She was full of regret up until her last breath. She woke up and realized that she had a new chance at life. However, what kind of joke is fate playing on her?! She has reincarnated into a story she read as a cannon fodder character! She finds the story and it changes with the choices she makes, but why does fate have such a cruel sense of humor? The man who originally ordered her death is pursuing her romantically. How can she survive if she offends the great Ice Emperor? She won't waste her second chance at life as cannon fodder and she has no interest in acting like the helpless female lead. She will use her knowledge about this world and bend it to her will. Soon not only does the Emperor find interest in her, but several others too. While having to navigate through annoyances, crush her enemies, build her empire, learn how to control her magic, and fend off unwanted men; Amber unravels some shocking truths. However, odd occurrences keep on piling up. It feels like she's missing some information vitally important to her survival when she starts to lose control over her body, but what could it be? As Amber is pushed into more difficult situations, she uses her medical knowledge, her herbalism, and her magic to assist her. While fighting for her life, she comes to the frightening realization that she actually enjoys being a villain. #1 in Magic #1 in Overpowered #1 in Deathflags #1 in Cannon Fodder #1 in Fantasy-Romance This story is an original work by Electra Emerose written on Wattpad in English A/N: Thank you for reading my stories. Don't forget to follow me and vote for my chapters! I also love comments! Thanks! 🥰 All rights reserved.©️ 2021

🏮1. Born to be Cannon Fodder

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Cannon Fo...
by ElectraEmerose