Bones of Fire (The...
By ehill111
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • angels
  • bones-of-fire
  • christian
  • christian-suspense
  • christian-thriller
  • contemporary-fantasy
  • demons
  • eric-hill
  • spiritual-warfare-fiction
  • spiritualwarfare
  • suspense
  • thriller
  • urbanfantasy


Spiritual warfare thriller; Christian thriller; Christian suspense. The Styles’ family is about to be sucked into a whirlwind. Reverend Edwin Styles is a good man, but he is totally unprepared for the spiritual warfare that is about to overwhelm him and his family. He doesn’t believe in demons or warlocks, and he only theoretically believes in angels. But his ignorance of spiritual warfare won’t shield him from being chosen by God for a mission so critical that the angel who commanded the forces at The Battle of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the angel known as The Sword of the Lord, has been assigned to help him. And Edwin will need all the help this famed warrior angel has to offer. For the kingdom of darkness has assigned the Mighty Bashnar, one of its most ruthless demons and cunning military strategists, to thwart God’s plan and to destroy this man of God. He will soon learn from painful experience why this cruel warrior spirit was granted the title, Mighty. Barbara is a Christian. But she’s not passionate about the Lord or His work. What she is passionate about is her good-looking husband, Edwin. Everything is lovely until the Mighty Bashnar attacks her husband and revives a shameful weakness from his past that shuts down their love-life. But Barbara isn’t the longsuffering type. She’s going to get her needs met one way or the other. Sharon is the perfect Christian daughter. A teenager whose wisdom and devotion to God far surpasses her fifteen years. She’s the spiritual anchor of the family—until a relentless witchcraft spirit orchestrates a devastating betrayal and assault that shakes her faith to its core, perhaps beyond repair. And for all this, Hell’s fury is not satisfied. Only total destruction of the Styles’ family is acceptable. But is the Mighty Bashnar as strong as he thinks he is? Or will he discover that “God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty”? (1 Corinthians 1:27)


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Bones of...
by ehill111