Legend of Blood - A...
By ThirstOfBlood
  • Paranormal
  • audiobook
  • blood
  • bloodthirst
  • death
  • journey
  • legend
  • life
  • music
  • philosophy
  • rap
  • reality
  • science
  • story
  • supernatural
  • tale
  • war
  • youtube


Greetings people, ThirstyBlood speaking! Welcome to my reality domain! I proudly present to you the humble Me, Myself & I, but before anything else, how about getting to the point of what you can expect if you start following me on my bloody journey: A story will be told in the form of different rap & music styles including parts with audiobook-like characteristics. In addition, you have found this wonderful journal which will be your source to answer many questions that I can hardly answer on youtube. Including a whole "Characterpedia" for each individual that happens to meet me. Who or what will we encounter? The human world sure is an interesting place to mess with, doesn't matter what century. I can't wait to extend my delicious blood collection *grinning* That's it. If you got curious don't hold yourself back. You surely will follow me, Prey, or should I say, my dear reader and listener ;) Yours sincerely, ThirstyBlood "I am always Thirsty for Blood."

1. Introducing ThirstyBlood

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Legend of...
by ThirstOfBlood