Lumity band au (Scr...
By Ddlcshipper
  • Fanfiction
  • amityblight
  • amityxluz
  • lumity
  • luznoceda
  • luzxamity
  • toh
  • tohamity
  • tohluz


So, since the Band AU is finished, and I've got a doc of ideas just gathering dust- I might as well let people see them lol Obviously if you haven't read the book then avoid this one for a bit, it spoils a bunch. The ideas here are gonna be written pretty badly, since I just wanted to get the important details down at the time and fill in the blanks later, and I don't plan on changing how these are written unless I absolutely have to (In case I made dumb abbreviations only I would understand) Dunno how long this will be, but I'll probably try to bunch up some of this stuff so it isn't super long (Art is by Chronic.Carnivore on Twitter) (Band Au started by datidoltrash on Twitter)

Songs and Random Bits

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Lumity ba...
by Ddlcshipper