The Mafia Queen
By thatbxrbie
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • backstabbed
  • betrayal
  • bosslady
  • jealousy
  • mafia
  • queen
  • sisters
  • takeoverthemafia


Two sisters exactly opposites of each other Cece the "I don't care girl" who has a soft heart and only cares about drugs, Cece is always high and normally is in trouble with the law but doesn't care enough because her sister, Celine is the leader of the biggest Italian mafia to ever be owned. Cece is very jealous of her sister but hides it at all time. Will she ever find love? Celine is the type of girl with absolute no heart at all but when it comes to family she would sacrifice anything, Celine is the favorite daughter and does everything perfect... Little does she know what awaits her... As they say blood is thicker than water. Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer...

Main characters Intro

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The Mafia...
by thatbxrbie