Ageless Souls
By Ripped2abusedPanda
  • Romance
  • forbidden
  • hidden
  • love
  • student
  • teacher


My senior year I was apart of the class of 2009. Melancholy but it had to happen. I had most of my life was planned out until I met him... So I was making my way to 18-113 and as I walked I wondered and then not watching were I was going I fell over some guy. "Hey sorry I just fell for you," it was said and I couldn't take it back which was sad because the context was totally the contrary to what I meant. Then it happened I stare into his eyes, which were a medium blue haze and which appeared endless and his smiled embedded face could make any girl swoon, I being one of them. "Not a problem at all and," he came closer right within my ear range, "I get that a lot."

Adultville Express

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Ageless S...
by Ripped2abusedPanda