The Return
By Kait2406
  • Adventure
  • animals
  • dogs
  • family
  • reuniting
  • together
  • wolves


"Lalana wasn't sure where she ran, she just knew she had to get away. Her life was falling apart, and she didn't know what to do. Crossing the street, she looked up at the sky. Dark, forbidding clouds gathered, so that Lalana could not see a ray of sun. Too late, Lalana realized she had to find shelter soon. The skies opened, and pouring rain fell around her. Her pelt was soaked in seconds, and a passing car's headlights illuminated her drenched fur. As the street lights came on, she sat in the middle of the road, wondering. Just when her life had gone so wrong?" Young Lalana has been with her family all her life. But then reality hits, and someone comes to take her away. Afraid, she hides under an old pillow as she watches all her brothers and sisters being sold. So Lalana runs away. When she returns home, how will her family accept her- if she ever sees them again?

Chapter 1~ The Beginning

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The Return
by Kait2406