"See, what's wrong with our world is that...people find life is filled with happily ever afters and fun, great times. They don't know how so very wrong they are. They say life is full of surprises. Well they're right about that. What they don't know, is that surprises aren't always pleasant ones." __________________________________________ Lina was once known as a sweet, charming girl, who'd always be there for her family and friends when times were tough. She'd be the one to bring the smiles on other faces. She'd be the the one that would see the good in others. She'd be the one to find humour when things got awkward... Well...that was once upon a time After an unforgettable tragedy, she dived deep down into the depths of sorrow, depression & anger. That is until one particular someone breaks through her tough exterior & turns her world around ...but with so many events that have stood in her way, could she possibly forget everything and start all over again? Cover Creds- moi AKA fluffypancakes12
Chapter 1- An Abusive Wake Up Call