Casters of Voltron
By Raiayuki
  • Fanfiction
  • adamlivesau
  • adashi
  • bladeofmarmoralotor
  • casters
  • femalelance
  • femlance
  • klana
  • klance
  • lotura
  • magicau
  • shadam
  • voltron
  • voltronlegendarydefender
  • warlockadam
  • witchesandwarlocks
  • witchlance
  • witchpidge


Long ago on Earth, during the time of the infamous witch trials, an alternative was proposed; for human and casters to sign a truce. And so the Magic Alliance Treaty was initiated, and peace was established between the two species of Earth. Today, the Garrison is an elite military academy which teachers both humans and casters, though in separate courses. Until the very first team up of the two sections. Layla and Pidge from of the caster course, and Keith and Hunk of the human course. Things take a turn when a long thought to be dead pilot returns to Earth, along with an alien companion. Both are taken into Garrison custody, but are soon rescued by the team, along with a Garrison officer. Later, they discover Voltron and are brought to the Castle of Lions, where they discover they are to be the new Paladins of Voltron. Voltron Magic AU: Where Fem!Lance/Layla, Pidge and Adam are witches/warlocks, AKA casters.

History & Setting

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Casters o...
by Raiayuki