Total Eclipse of th...
By chr1st0nnast1ck
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • dads
  • hollykujo
  • jjba
  • jojos
  • jojosbizzareadventure
  • jotaro
  • jotarokujo
  • jotaroxreader
  • moms
  • nsfw
  • stardustcrusaders
  • xreader


Y/N is a strong minded, presumptuous, girl who moved from American to Japan when she was 10 years old. And moving from America, to another country on the other side of the world was hard. As she grew up, she learned that life in Japan wasn't so bad. She met new people, indulged in new cultures, and even attended a large highschool in Tokyo. Eight years later, a senior in highschool, this boy she hadn't really talked to disappeared for months. His name was Jotaro Kujo: he was a tall, handsome, and mean devil. Unlike another popular boy, Shiro, Jotaro would kick girls to the curb hating their presence. But then, one night at a record store changed the course of her life forever, and she really didn't mind Jotaro at the end that much. •∆•∆•∆•∆•∆• Information you should know: ∆ Wrote in second person perspective. (i.e. you went, you said, you looked) ∆ This story deals with PTSD and violence. ∆ Updates arent scheduled, they vary depending on when I have the time to write, edit, and publish. ∆ Characterization is as on point as I understand, however some changes because this is literally an adapted fan fiction of the original manga. ∆ So that everyone feels comfortable, Jotaro is aged to be 18 (also I'm like 90% sure hes 18 coming back from Egypt...) •∆•∆•∆•∆•∆• - Next update: on a short hiatus 💕💓

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Total Ecl...
by chr1st0nnast1ck