Lust & Love
By WaattyAriiaa
  • Romance
  • bestfriends
  • betrayal
  • bossbitch
  • cheating
  • doggy
  • emotional
  • emotionalrollercoaster
  • fiance
  • friendship
  • goldenretriever
  • heartbreak
  • independent
  • lies
  • love
  • lovestory
  • lovetriangle
  • lust
  • marriage
  • reunion
  • reunited
  • sadness
  • sequel
  • smutwarning
  • therapies


❗️This Is A Sequel To The First Book ❗️ Will honestly not be as good as a stand-alone. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• It's Been Two Years, Belle Fawn is now a known millionaire interior designer. She's developed her own company with her degree without her parents help. Liam Black is even more now of a successful multimillionaire than he ever was. With his company's now expanding all around the globe. Within their busy lives, it lands Belle straight in Boston. Unknowingly where Liam had just moved months earlier. They soon have the surprise of their lives when a certain wind picks up and scents are caught. Ultimately resulting in their reunion. Will you follow their journey as they face one another after three years? Will you stay to see if Belle kept her promise of hating him? Will you follow the jealousy, possessive, love and passionate feelings they have for one another? Will you stay to see why Liam did what he did? •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


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Lust &...
by WaattyAriiaa