Words hurt ||Ranboo...
By sun_ist
  • Random
  • angst
  • angsty
  • beeduo
  • benchtrio
  • depression
  • dreamsmp
  • dsmp
  • dsmpangst
  • fanfic
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  • ranboo
  • ranbooangst
  • ranboolive
  • sad
  • texttospeech
  • tommyinnit
  • tubbo
  • wordshurt


*WARNING THERE ARE SPELLING ERRORS, so SUCK IT UP.* Ranboo has a hard time dealing with his emotions, and often puts others before himself, he develops unhealthy coping mechanisms early on in his childhood, and his life starts to seem meaningless. But the stupid trip is right around the corner. It's either tubbo and everyone else find out, or take easy way out. TRIGGER WARNINGS! Mentions of self harm/ graphic Description of self harm, ED, Depression, mentions of suicide/ suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts along with self degrading thoughts, Rape/ mentions of rape. [start date, somewhere in late 2020.] [end date, early 2022.] Finish word count: 41623. 1st in Ranbooangst 4/10/2021 1st in Words hurt 6/10/2021 1st in Ranboolive 16/10/2021 1st in Angsty 17/10/2021 1st in dsmpangst 1/11/2021 1st in beeduo 7/11/2021 1st in Angst 11/11/2021

||1|| Tommyinnit..?

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Words hur...
by sun_ist