By tri6tar
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • motherslove
  • mystery
  • need
  • pain
  • power
  • reality
  • thriller
  • unkwontruth
  • zina


This is absolutely my story, no plagiarism. All ideas involved is solely from me. ......................................................................... Running down the stairs in annoyance, Zina rushed up to her mother who at that moment was taking pictures "What right did you have to tell my teachers that I won't be attending the summer excursion?" Zina yelled at her mother making her flinch and the phone fell out of her hands. "What's all the yelling about? I am your mother and I said you are not going "Miss Debby said picking up her phone "What mother? Huh! Last time I checked my dad only called you here because he was going out for a meeting, you are not my mother. Ok, you are just my father's ex wife" Zina fiercely said "Well go ahead saying that sh** but medically and legally I am still your mother, and like you said your father left you in my care to go f*** with some whore somewhere; like he always does, so I have a right to tell you what to do and not do" Miss Debby said walking away "Well he might be f***ing some whores as you said, but at least they are better than you in being a mother. Oh how I so wished one of them had birth me and not you" Zina yelled at her back

Chapter 1

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by tri6tar