This story is set after season 5. It's 2020 and COVID-19 was first identified on Earth. This is how the pandemic unfolds in the Magic Dimension. Let's clear a few things up first. 1. Yes the Winx did graduate after season 3/the first movie. 2. Yes in season 4 they were adults learning from Head Mistress Faragonda remotely on Earth. 2. In season 5 they returned to Alfea for guidance on how to defeat Tritanus. Hence which lead to them learning about Harmonix and Sirenix. At that point they were being trained at Alfea to master those 2 transformations. They weren't taking any other classes at that point, like the regular students were as the Winx had already graduated, unless it had something to do with the 2 transformations. 4. The same story in season 6. Since Professor Daphne's History of magic class was vital to learn about the past legends and the history of the Magic Universe they attended those classes. 5. I have no comment about season 7 and 8 as I felt that this is where things went downhill. 6. I DO NOT OWN WINX CLUB. I will try and post new chapters when they are available. If there are any spelling or punctuation errors please let me know so I can correct them. Thanks.
Background and Disclosure.