Take a Sip
By Galaxyblack101
  • Short Story
  • coffeeshopsbrewstories


When a cereal killer stumbles into someone else's crime scene things get interesting. Just picking up something for a friend, he's dragged into an ongoing investigation. A girl ,that's a regular at the shop, has been murdered. Though nobody seems to know why. All they know is it happened right in front of them and the murder is still in the Café. This was for a reading contest, but I lost. Only because I had over 2000 words. This story's still trash because I tried to squish a cleverly planned murder under 2000 words. It fails to be clever, I didn't have enough room to explain everything. I also tried to explain why the prompt didn't make much sense. Like how someone could walk into a coffee shop that's an active crime scene, and some how be a suspect. Why wouldn't the cops close the store? How did the main enter the store? Their is yellow police tape, but no one stationed at the door telling people they can't enter.

Not my Victim

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Take a Sip
by Galaxyblack101