La Revendication (O...
By LaDamee
  • Vampire
  • adult
  • bwwm
  • interracial
  • romance
  • royalty


(The Claim) Southern belle Evangeline Tempree was a simple young woman, went to work, prayed to God , lived in her cozy apartment, had her fun times with her friends. Sassy little Eve seemed to be living any 24 year old's dream life; a simple one. Until she was taken from her home To be auctioned off to the highest bidder in the upper class vampire community to do as they please with her. Xiomar Emanuel Drazo, the name of power ,poise, & promiscuity. He is next in line to rule as King of the Sangue Community; but he must have a bride and isnt so pleased with his options. His plan? Buy a slave,make her into royalty,marry her and kill her. Seems simple until his purchase is his Promised. (THE BOOK HAS BEEN PLACED ON HOLD, CURRENTLY FOCUSING ON MY EDUCATION AT THE MOMENT AND I AM NOT GETTING PAID TO WRITE ITS A FREE TIME ACTIVITY AND I SADLY DO NOT HAVE FREE TIME I APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE )

Chapitre 1

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La Revend...
by LaDamee