The Future Sucks. B...
By Tryingtobenice99
  • Fanfiction
  • avengersearthsmightiestheroes
  • avengersemh
  • bucky
  • buckybarnes
  • buckycomic
  • comicbucky
  • notmcuversion
  • oldbucky
  • sidekick
  • sidekickbucky


Heyo, peeps! This project is currently under some reconstruction, and won't be up for a while. The damage is extensive, and spans throughout the story as a whole. Hope you who were reading before understand. The chapters will be rewritten, and reposted so that you may read them. This whole thing will almost entirely be redone, and practically unrecognizable by the time I'm done with it. I am changing the story slightly, and not just making changes to the chapters to make them longer. While I will be doing that as well, I will also change several things that happen within the first few chapters to make for a more logically sound story. Hope y'all enjoy it as it comes out again (slowly). Yours truly, Ttbn! Now for the synopsis! ... Captain America and Bucky are found in the arctic, and are revived. But soon, Bucky is captured and made to oppose his former friend. The Captain will have to figure out how to save his best friend from the clutches of the enemy, but at the same time try not to get killed by him as well. :0 Follows closely the first season of Avengers EMH. I may have tweaked it a tiny bit, though...ok, maybe a lot.

Chapter 1: When you know you've 'effed' up.

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The Futur...
by Tryingtobenice99