Fifty shades of yel...
By KataChu
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Me writing about my life. Weather it be how my friend looks like Bruce from Finding Nemo or the way some things grind my gears, don't expect much more than some ranting and life lessons. Also sometimes at 3 am (lol sleep's for chumps) I get really philosophical: Our world is like a book. Sometimes you love a book so deeply you can't leave it alone for even a few moments but others you feel are so terrible and boring you just want to not be there reading anymore and sometimes the book is the deepest thing full of secrets and loop holes and you don't have a clue what's happening but you keep tracking on anyways because the other choice is to give up and sometimes it's dark and philosophical and sad and upsetting and you can't help but cry but it's alright because we all cry when we're reading a sad book. -A Rambling KataChu

Book logic

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Fifty sha...
by KataChu