Shubh Mangal Savdha...
By bhsh22
  • Romance
  • arrangedmarriage
  • ashdeep
  • ashisingh
  • jointfamily
  • naina
  • preena
  • randeeprai
  • samaina
  • sameer
  • samundit


"Luck & Fate are the same thing. It's on you how you look at it." It is generally said that children of bestfriends also become bestfriends. But what if the children of two school time best friends- Vivek & Rakesh, don't even know each other? What if the two bestfriends decide for the cohesion of their children? What if the two bestfriends come together to deepen their relationship with the birth of a new one? Sameer & Naina, two different souls, coming from two very different families, residing in two different cities, find their destination to be same. Having seen each other for the very first time directly after their wedding, will their newly formed connection leave beautifully mystical sparks as predicted by their fathers? Or would their life put them inside a maze to find ways towards each other? Two people, bound by the enticing game of destiny, find their fathers weaving the path of their togetherness. But, will they be able to run their marital life smoothly? Or the conservative family of one would pose problems for their liaison? Will they tackle the hardships of a marriage happily? Or would they find themselves in a marital mess? Would they be able to accentuate this gift of fate? Or will they lose the essence of their relationship amidst their conservative families? "Fate decides who comes in your life, you decide who stays in it."

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Shubh Man...
by bhsh22