By herDigital_ink
  • Romance
  • arab
  • arrangedmarriage
  • awkwardness
  • cute
  • depression
  • feisty
  • halal
  • hijab
  • humor
  • islam
  • love
  • lovestory
  • mentalhealth
  • mixed
  • muslim
  • muslimlovestory
  • romance
  • sarcasm
  • struggles


"Noor Ayn," Hassan began, his gaze intense as he looked at me with a soft expression, "Have you ever wondered why I called you that? It's not a mere term of endearment-it's a reflection of the impact you've had on my life. You coming into my life was like a radiant beam of light piercing through the enveloping darkness that surrounded me, lighting up my world in ways I hadn't imagined." He paused, the weight of his words hanging in the air as he continued, "From the moment you stepped into my life, your presence became a beacon, guiding me through the shadows. It wasn't just chance; it was Qadr of Allah, he made sure our paths intertwined. Allah wrote your name next to mine fifty thousand years before he created the earth because he knew how much I would need you. Your light became a source of warmth, dispelling the coldness of my life before you." He pulled me close and gave me a tender kiss on my forehead as he carried on, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "So, Noor Ayn , know that your light isn't just a fleeting brightness; it's a constant, an ever-present glow that has become an integral part of the fabric of my existence. Allah allowed for you to be the one who will bring light into my world when I needed it the most. And I will never stop saying Alhamdulilah for you." • Halimah. Hassan. Their initial encounter was not their first as they had met before, though it did not feel like that in the beginning . Halimah's heart fluttered with the unfamiliar sensation of attraction, and her thoughts wandered to this enigmatic 'stranger' who had stirred her emotions. As days turned into weeks , their paths continued to intertwine, like two lost stars drawn towards each other in the vast night sky. In the end, it was a story of journey to love for the sake of Allah and the struggles that tested the strength of their love. Word count so far : 60,000 words

Author's note

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by herDigital_ink