The Good & The...
By Tonia_tp
  • Teen Fiction
  • abondoned
  • badboy
  • changes
  • goodgirl
  • neveragain
  • noturningback


Not edited Despite the title, this is not your story about a girl who gets bullied or picked on. A girl who had a normal life until her mother died. Then a loving caring father turned into someone who just paid the bills. The cheerful big sister who was always down to help turned into someone you hardly see and know even less. Then the big brother who had to know what was going on and ready to punch a boy in the face for looking at you too long just left without a word. Then she felt like she needed to be the stable, level headed one. Good grades all-around 'perfect daughter' never one to start conflict until she meets him. He showed her that it was ok to let go, to be herself she didn't need to be the golden girl everyone thought she was, to defend herself and not to care what others think especially if they were wrong. He was bad and she was good. He taught her to appreciate the bad in her, she brought out the good in him. They seemed like two people whose paths would never cross, maybe they weren't that different at all they are The Bad and The Good.

Chapter 1

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The Good...
by Tonia_tp