The Tears of a Phat...
By callmekok0
  • Teen Fiction
  • abuse
  • big
  • biggirl
  • cutting
  • fat
  • lowselfesteem
  • overweight
  • phật
  • romance
  • school
  • selfconcious
  • suicide
  • urban
  • weightgain


A size 22 is not the average weight for a six-teen year old girl living in Texas. Then again its not average to cry about it all the time and not do anything about it. My name is Wynter Clifford I have huge thighs and a wide ass, my breast are big and I cant stand my stomach. I never been kissed, probably never been looked at. My so called "friends' constantly point out my flaws and yet I stay. My "Home" is also the place where my excuse for a mother always reminds me that I'm a failure and my excuse for a father steps on me. Like I said before my name is Wynter Clifford and these are The Tears of a Phat Girl

1.) Prolugue

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The Tears...
by callmekok0