I Win Dad / Dreams...
By MillieKnowsNoOne
  • Fanfiction
  • allie
  • alvara
  • america
  • britain
  • coding
  • dreamwastaken
  • drista
  • facetime
  • fanfiction
  • georgenotfound
  • kline
  • mcyt
  • minecraft
  • ranboo
  • sapnap
  • speedrunning
  • streaming
  • teenpregnancy
  • texttospeech
  • tommyinnit
  • tubbo
  • twitch
  • twitter
  • youtube


Dream has a daughter? No one even knows! Ok, maybe Sapnap, he does live with them. Dream is 28 in this fic! Started: 2. July 2021 Ended: 13. April 2024 (Discontinued) If you do not agree with the story's plot, please just quietly exit the book, thank you. Warnings: -Swearing -Teenage Pregnancy(because people like to complain) -ever so slight Trauma, or maybe an amount for main character I will delete this if someone in this story is uncomfortable. 100 READS! (16/7/21) 1k READS! (7/8/21) 100 VOTES! (25/8/21) 10k! (3/9/21) 20k! (11/9/21) 30k! (18/9/21) 1k! (21/9/21) 40k! (25/9/21) 50k! (3/10/21) 60k! (9/10/21) 2000! (12/10/21) 70k! (15/10/21) 80k! (23/10/21) 90k! (31/10/21) 3K VOTES! (5/11/21) 100k READS! (8/11/21) 110k! (22/11/21) 120k! (1/12/21) 130k! (13/12/21) 140k! (24/12/21) 4KV! (26/12/21) 150K! (4/1/22) 160k! (18/1/22) 170k! (30/1/22) 5K Votes! (13/2/22) 180k! (14/2/22) 190k! (1/3/22) 200K! (16/3/22) 210K! (28/3/22) 220K! (18/4/22) 6K Votes! (23/4/22) 230K! (29/4/22) 240K! (16/5/22) 250K! (7/6/22) 260K! (19/6/22) 7K Votes! (2/7/22) 270K! (12/7/22) 280K! (26/7/22) 290K! (5/8/22) 300K! (18/8/22) 310K! (9/9/22) 320K! (7/10/22) 330K! (17/10/22) 340K! (30/10/22) 350K! (11/10/22) 360K! (21/11/22) 9K V! (25/11/22) 370K! (3/12/22) 400K! (14/1/23) 10K V! (2/2/23) 450K! (18/4/23) 500K !! (15/8/23) TOP RANKINGS: #1 kline 25th August 2021 #1 coding 28th August 2021 #1 speedrunning 18th July 2021 #1 America 6th December 2021 #2 allie 1st September 2021 #1 twitter 28th October 2022 #4 Britain 15th October 2021 #1 drista 1st August 2021 #1 streaming 6th December 2021 #1 FaceTime 7th August 2021 #1 teenpregnancy 2nd August 2021 #9 mcyt 4th March 2022 #1 georgenotfound 4th August 2022 #1 twitch 11th February 2023 #1 youtube 24th October 2021 #1 tommyinnit 20th June 2022 #1 ranboo 12th August 2022 #1 tubbo 13th December 2021 #13 dreamwastaken 21st November 2022 #16 fanfiction 4th August 2022 #1 minecraft 30th April 2024 #1 sapnap 21st November 2022


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I Win Dad...
by MillieKnowsNoOne