Manufactured for War
By ZuluIbnuAlTelor
  • Historical Fiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • furries
  • protogen
  • protogens
  • ww1


The year is 1918, the Great War is raging on with neither sides showing signs of breaking. This story takes place during the Battle of Passchendaele, a battle that has been raging on since the summer of 1917. Due to the rapid decrease in manpower, the British parliament has passed a bill allowing the usage of its secret creation; The Protogens. Development started as early as 1901, but it wasn't until 1912 that the first successful protogen was made. They were produced in the masses at the start of 1913, by the time the Great War broke out, almost 20,000 were made for use of the Royal Navy and the Army. Unbeknownst to the British however, the Germans had already started producing Protogens in mid-1912 having around 21,000 by the start of the war, with a few hundred serving the Austria-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman armies. Being created from 'Furries' whom were either extremely disabled or voluntarily handed themselves to be created into one. Our main character goes by the serial number 'SP-451', better known by his comrades as 'Sparky', an officer in the British army, serving as a captain in the 28th Canine Battalion, a battalion made entirely out of Furries and Protogens. Highly respected by his comrades because of his bravery and for always standing up for his comrades when they are berated by their human comrades just for being different. P.S this takes place in an alternate timeline and I am well aware that the Great War ended in 1918


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by ZuluIbnuAlTelor