the tale of LizardH...
By I13455
  • Fanfiction
  • blackhat
  • blackhatxreader
  • demencia
  • demenciaxreader
  • drflug
  • drflugxreader
  • lizardhat
  • lizardheart
  • paperhat
  • paperlizard
  • texttospeech
  • villainous
  • villanos


not only a tale the full story about them. this all start when Demencia ask to Flug why Black hat don't love her ? and when Flug finally tells her the main reason then Black hat start noticing changes in Demencia which make a lot of craziness and love drama . let's find out .I know this maybe will not get popular like my LizardHeart story because it's a straight ship story but still wanna write this .I will not quit this story now . and I have bad habits to post in public without checking any mistake but not this time . this will not have any mistakes now .have Lemon too ? hope you will enjoy this .the one person who will enjoy this story it means world to me now let's start (please don't chapters because every chapter is related to each other )

Chapter-1 the love reason

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the tale...
by I13455