Robin Byrd saw the 2012 Alien Attack on New York, and it changed the way she understood everything. Except that one thing was for certain: She's a fighter. Hard work is all she's ever known, and that hard work got her the attention from Tony Stark, which lead Natasha to scout her out. It didn't take long for her to become close with the Avengers when she became an agent, becoming like family for the girl with a broken past. Now, after the events of the civil war between Tony and Steve over the Sokovia Accords, she's worked hard for two years to get everything back to the way it used to be, and everyone is coming home. With a new face that has her totally hooked. (This is after Captain America: Civil War, but a branch off of the true universe if there was no Thanos to deal with. Everyone gets to be together at the facility upstate.)