Bittersweet Mistakes
  • Poetry
  • bittersweet
  • delirium
  • mistakes
  • monolith
  • poembook
  • querida


Has Anyone committed mistakes in life ? of course everyone has at some point of time. some make mistakes daily(like me; naïve af). some make less mistakes, some more. But, everyone does commit Mistakes because "to err is Human". RM Once said "These faults and mistakes make up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life." I agree with him but my perspective towards mistake is same as of a coffee. i pursue Mistakes as if it's coffee (ahh caffeinator). Sometimes our coffee is strong and it's impact is long lasting, similar to a blunder we might have done a long ago. sometimes it's diluted and not that strong and waives off after sometime just like a small mistake (breaking saucers; According to my mom) we do and we forget and move on in life. Coffee sometimes is bitter and we need some sugar to neutralize the bittery flavour similar to some mistakes we do which scar our life and mind for which we get sugary support from our loved ones. sometimes it's too sweet that we slowly sip it even if it doesn't feel right.high sugar consumption is harmful for body(we know that). it similar to a mistake which we do again and again and enjoy doing it even if we know it's wrong might hamper our mind,body, soul etc. so point I want to make clear is Guys this series of poem will deal with similar bittersweet Mistakes I did in my life and convert it into a lyrical play so you can enjoy it. some mistakes are old, some recent, some small, some mammoth ones. But I won't turn back off and I'll admit those and acknowledge them, because that is who I am. enjoy this with me and do share, read and tell me. Feel free to PM, I am one text away!

Toxic Querida

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