Forever and always:...
By Skythehalfblood
  • Fanfiction
  • brooklyn
  • comfort
  • daveyjacobs
  • foundfamily
  • hurt
  • jackkelly
  • javid
  • lesjacobs
  • mangatten
  • midtown
  • newsies
  • queens
  • racetrackhiggins
  • spotcolon
  • sprace


The strikes settled and life is going pretty good for the newsies... until it isn't. Strange things keep happening to the newsies and it only keeps getting worse. Race is navigating what it means to be a family and have faith in his friends. Through the hard times and the fights, and that Jack "won't let him do nothin'" as he would say. He's having a hard time depicting what is a good decision and a bad one. And if the right one could be bad? Jack's struggling with what it means to be a good leader. And weather his family or his duties as a leader should come first. He's overwhelmed and confused. Spot his hard exterior and stubbornness may cause him some problems in the near future. Spot learns some lessons from friends about how important it is to ask for help when needed, before things get too out of hand. He also needs to learn how to manage his not-so-secret crush on a certain Blonde Manhattan Newsboy. Davey's just trying to be there for the others, with trying to not get his little brother killed and Trying to not lose his mind with Jack's decisions. The newsies are terrified. Follow the newsies on an adventure of heartbreak, and love, happiness and pain, anger and sadness... and through what might be the starting of a borough wide war. ⚠️I swear quite a bit during this fic so if you are uncomfortable with that I don't think it's best to read it. Also there will be some violence so just a heads up for that.⚠️

Chapter 1: Les what the frick

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Forever a...
by Skythehalfblood