Winters Tale
By amillionandahalfsuns
  • Romance
  • amazingphil
  • danhowell
  • danisnotonfire
  • phanfiction
  • phillester
  • winter


Not all fairy tales have a happy ending. Especially not mine. Anna is a 22 year old girl living with her friend Mia in London. Her life for the past 22 years has been... well, normal. That is until she bumps into one Phil Lester.  Anna's world is then turned upside down and backwards as she struggles to understand the complicated world of love.  Quickly befriending Phil, it isn't long before the two become quite close and Anna starts to fall head over heels over whom she considers to be her "perfect" guy. But wait... What about Phil? Are his feelings for Anna the same as the one's she has for him? Or does he have his eyes set on someone else? Or should I say has had for quite a while....  Can Anna win over Phil's heart before it's too late? Just how exactly will this love story unfold? And how far will Anna go to keep what she believes is rightfully hers? Even if it means breaking up relationships to get what she desires and wrecking the purest friendship of them all? Find out in Winters Tale....

Anna's Encounter

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Winters T...
by amillionandahalfsuns