Sweet Sorrow ❖ JB
By yanaabananaa
  • Fanfiction
  • bieber
  • bwwm
  • cancer
  • depression
  • explicit
  • interracial
  • justin
  • mature
  • romance
  • self-harm
  • sexual
  • violence
  • wattys2017


Justin Bieber is a student at the University of Miami and he's quite the catch. Shockingly he doesn't have many friends, but that's because he doesn't want to risk getting close to anyone after the one person he loved the most got ripped away from him. His girlfriend, Lia, unfortunately passed away due to a long battle of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, which she dealt with all throughout high school up until the summer before she was supposed to start her freshman year of college. It hit Justin hard and he's been alone ever since. That's why he's not interested in girls, hanging out, or going to parties. He's the one who studies when he's not in class. Nerd, most would say, but that's because his family has etched it in his brain to always put education first and do his best in order to succeed. He also doesn't want to let Lia down. Life for him is school, eat, sleep, repeat. Will the cycle ever break?

1✖️Excuse Me

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Sweet Sor...
by yanaabananaa