Stranded With Secre...
By LiveLifeInTheRain
  • Romance
  • baby
  • complicated
  • confusion
  • consequences
  • family
  • friendship
  • hurricane
  • party
  • teenpregnancy
  • trapped


Arianna Hope is from a rich family but she's far from stuck up. With a genius IQ and a charitable heart she's the kind of girl everyone knows and would love to be or be with, even if she's oblivious to that fact, but even the best of them make mistakes. Arianna wakes up the next morning with a blurry memory and in bed with a boy from school. Knowing her mistake and knowing his reputation she's relieved that things are normal when school starts and she can live her life like it never happened. But life isn't that simple and sooner or later she'll have to face the consequences of her mistakes. There is calm before the storm and Arianna and Damon find themselves trapped in the middle of one when a hurricane comes through and while it rages outside trapping them in their high school She may have no choice but to come clean and when that happens, life will never be the same and reality will come crashing down on the illusion she's built around herself because of that night.

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by LiveLifeInTheRain