The Candlestick
By moyerdk
  • Science Fiction
  • alien
  • fiction
  • good
  • kids
  • science


One gloomy day, it was raining and there was leafs blowing around everywhere. Just a typical spring day and the trees were green. My name is Mark and I live in New York, USA. I live right down the street from the Atlantic Ocean and it's surprisingly still frozen. There has been several people that have seen a "candlestick" in the water whatever it is, it's not a candlestick because fire obviously cannot survive in water (they go ice fishing and see it). One day this couple and their kid went ice fishing and never returned and the Coast Guard's helicopter seen a huge creature with a anonymous glow to it, not one of those little dangling lights at the end of the fish's head. It was glowing all around its self. He took out s gun and shot at it but it swallowed the bullet. There has been a rumor that aliens called "candlesticks" have colonies in the Atlantic Ocean. But I don't believe that rumor. One day I'm going to believe some sort of rumor, but not this one. Until I become a victim.

Chapter 1

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The Candl...
by moyerdk