By empireofapples
  • Science Fiction
  • clock
  • clover
  • penelope
  • sundial
  • time
  • traveler


“If you’re going to die, you’re going to die. Why fight fate?” Penelope asked the woman just as she began to rewind the pocket watch she held clutched in her pale hand. The brunette looked up with a grin, her bright eyes flashing with the intent of an adventure in them. “You may not be able change your destiny, but you can sure as hell try.” Penelope Stone was a simple college student with a good full-time job in her native nation of Spain, until one day, she goes to visit her parents. Penelope takes the trip from Madrid to Valencia. Once there, her time with her parents is like any other, just another normal family dinner. Sunday evening, something – or rather someone – falls from the sky and onto the beach just outside her parents’ home. Penelope goes to investigate. Once to the small crater formed, Penelope finds a young woman, maybe a few years older than herself, lying unconscious clutching a broken pocket watch in her hand. She takes the mystery woman into the room shehad taken up. Staying overnight, Penelope awakes to find the young woman running around, mumbling something in her thick unique accent that she had never heard before; she was looking for something. The watch. She was looking for the watch. Penelope couldn’t possibly understand what she would want with it, but gave it back to her anyways. The woman began to mumble words in a language she couldn’t understand. Penelope simply stared with a raised brow. The brunette woman that she had found on the beach looked up, her fingers twisting the small turner on the side of the watch. Soon, Penelope would find out that the watch wasn’t just any simple watch. Watch as Penelope is thrusted into an adventure she never wanted. She will fly through time, fall in love, and finally question if you can change your destiny. And it all started with that weird woman with her broken watch and the need to find out who kills her.


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by empireofapples