When She Was Here
By Nashi_Drag
  • Romance
  • angst
  • girlxgirl
  • illness
  • immortal
  • imortaility
  • lies
  • love
  • modern
  • mortal
  • notahappyending
  • sadness
  • sickness
  • tokyo


"I want to stay with you," Yuki whispered to her as they sat together on the empty bridge. Their warm breath could be seen as they talked, almost matching the snow on the ground. Slowly shifting closer to Yuki, Sakiko grasps her hand carefully in hers. "So let me fall in love with you," It was quiet after that. Only the silent breathing and random talking of the people who lived near by. Coming to a stop, Sakiko brings her scarf closer around her face. Looking down, she could only see Yuki's hands holding hers gently. "Then Yuki.." Sakiko trails of then, finally gaining the courage to look up. Even though she knew her face was red, and her eyes may be teary, Sakiko was ready to face Yuki. "Don't die,"

Our First meeting

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When She...
by Nashi_Drag