Demigods at hogwart...
By Dragon_07
  • Fanfiction
  • adventure
  • fanfiction
  • fantasy
  • romance


The war against Gaia has finally been won, with the demigods being successful in the fight. But it is not all fun and games for the wizards at hogwarts. Since the epic war against Voldemort caused them to lose a very important year of education, Professor Mcgonagall insists that they return for one final year. Back at camp Chiron has a secret friend at Hogwarts that informs him that they think the Demigods coming to Hogwarts would be a good idea, so that the wizards can see that there are other people who are...different Join the seven of the prophecy, Nico Di Angelo and Samantha on a journey to Hogwarts to meet Harry Potter and a few new people a long the way. A few might fall in love, a few might lose one another but the question is, will Voldemort or the terrible death eaters return, will Gaea come back for those who defeated her or will everything stay as it is. One thing is certain, everything is about to change . . .

Chiron's suprise

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by Dragon_07