the unwilling princ...
By kalistakay123
  • Romance
  • fantasy
  • forbidden
  • lovedefetsall
  • romance


this is a story that dates back all the way to the middle ages. in the sparrow kingdom lies a young lady whom will become queen of the sparrow kingdom but she will have to pay a price. she could not be with the one she loves. she would have to marry the 3rd son of king george maroth and queen lilian maroth. she would have to go through with a engaged marriage and become a dollar princess so her kingdom would have a better status and class amongst all the other kingdoms. and to top it off her future husband is a complete slob. he never picks up after himself (but most royals don't ngl), he feels a need to sleep in as may women as possible, he is constantly trying to fight in wars he clearly can win, and worst of all he always mentality and physically abuses his future wife. will the princess run off with her one true love and become a prisoner in the sparrow kingdom dungeons or will she consider to serve her royal duties and die an unfulfilled life? read the whole thing to find out.

chapter 1

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the unwil...
by kalistakay123