Live to fight and f...
By Rubes2021
  • Romance
  • abused
  • family
  • love
  • responsibilities
  • texttospeech
  • violet


Taylor Johnson is only a 16 year old with so much responsibility, her father left when the youngest was born for a younger woman and had more kids, which only made her mother turn into someone different, Taylor is the main one that looks after her family even though she's not the oldest, she needs to get her brother that is going off the rail some help and bring a bad boy and a player into the mix what could possibly go wrong? Along the way Taylor finds out deadly secrets about her family along the way what will she do with them? And where will they lead her in life What happens when the father comes back into the picture? Will they all make it out safely? Join my journey on love heartbreak, family, abuse, and getting better as a family

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Live to f...
by Rubes2021