Like an Arcade
By Rebel_Sea_Turtle_05
  • Romance
  • arcade
  • average
  • drama
  • game
  • games
  • romance
  • youngadult


Thea Slater is average. Average hair, average school life, average family, all around average seventeen year old. She has her moments that are perfect and amazing, but she has her faults as well. She likes to visit the little arcade on the pier just as much as the next teen. It's an escape from reality, a break from stress, basically a safezone. Aiken Greene, on the other hand, is on a completely different spectrum. He is eighteen, and he basically lives at the arcade to get away from his not so average family. Their a bunch of nitwits that think they are so special because they have a big house, big money, and run a big company that they only got from inheritance. He has a high score on every game, no matter who tries to beat him. Well, he did. When he walked in and out of the blistering heat of California, he looked at the scoreboard on a game and had to do a double take. Someone had gotten a higher score than him, and his winning streak had ended. He couldn't believe it. He's had high scores for years. Until she beat him, of course.


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Like an A...
by Rebel_Sea_Turtle_05