The Squirrel Hunter
By Glenn_is_Kawaii
  • Short Story
  • daryldixon
  • mansbestfriend
  • preapocoliptic
  • thewalkingdead
  • twd


Daryl Dixon isn't like other kids. He was always the "stinky" kid in the class. No one ever questioned where he lived, or why he never took a bath. Of course, this caused him to be a loner, or an "outcast." Wandering in the nearby woods one day, a yelp for help is cried. To his discovery, a golden lab is somehow stuck in the muck. Daryl frees this dog, and befriends him. He and his companion pooch-pup, get loads of trouble while on the trip around town. They think that this fun and glory will never end, just the two of them. Until one day, the scrappy kid of the town finds out this "Squirrel hunter" has had an owner before Daryl himself. The right thing to do is to give the lab back to his owner- or is it?

Living In That Tailer Trash

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The Squir...
by Glenn_is_Kawaii