Did It Have To End?
By Wendol123
  • Fanfiction
  • adrien
  • agreste
  • alfred
  • chloe
  • daminette
  • dupain-cheng
  • gdv
  • heartbreak
  • jason
  • lila
  • mdc
  • probablydiscontinued
  • quantics
  • tim
  • wayne
  • we


Marinette and Damian are about to get married when two stupid idiots ruin everything. Marinette leaves Gotham heartbroken and tries to rebuild her life. Damian knew that it wasn't okay to even slightly blush at his secretary's words. But it happened, and he lost his fiancee. He himself tried to rebuild his life but can't find anyone to replace the happiness he once felt. Will these two find a way to forgive each other? Or will there be just a few more people ruining things like always ~||CHALLENGE STORY||~ Not many will make it past chapter three. That's all I gotta say. Drafted until October 28th 2020 Published and discontinued on April 26th of 2021 You can always give me ideas to continue๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Chapter 1

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Did It Ha...
by Wendol123