Fabrication - Book...
By AustinDaniels
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • china
  • communism
  • fiction
  • mars
  • politics
  • romance
  • science


In the not too distant future, the United States no longer exists. After a brief but bloody world war, communist and religious dictatorships have taken over the world, plunging humanity into its darkest era of unfettered tyranny. Human life has lost all of its meaning; people live their lives as little more then mindless drones, their only purpose to feed and sustain the cruel governments that rule over them. On a distant and remote outpost, the last remaining free people live in helpless exile. The last remnants of the Haze Corporation are stranded at a research colony, powerless to stop the approaching evil determined to enslave or destroy them. In a desperate and futile attempt to defend themselves, they decide to send one of their own on a hopeless mission back to the world of slaves and masters, to try to steal the technology they need in order to survive. Emma Laval is no spy. But as a slightly gifted computer programmer, she is the only one who stands a chance of saving her people and keeping them free. She finds herself plunged into a dark and sinister world where human life has little value, where adults and children are used and then thrown away like yesterdays garbage, where governments can pick people up off the street and torture or punish them brutally without restraint. Somehow, she must find a way to survive and get what she needs to save her people.


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by AustinDaniels