Kathryn Elyse didn't believe in fairy tales. Nor did she believe in love at first sight. But, when a stranger makes her go weak at her knees with just a look, her world is turned upside down. A whole new world she didn't know about- vampires, werewolves, ghillies and fey- she is caught in dangerous times. Things she longed for comes back to her, but it's not as it was before. Being a regular human in the land of magic isn't an easy task, especially when a new threat has risen and they are all in constant danger. Someone is killing the seven sons of the dead King and trying to sway the world with their power. Battling to stay alive and not get lost, Kathryn must fight- for the magical world and for love, while holding tight to the promise to return to one another. Will they find their way back to each other, or will their love and the Underdwellers fall victim to its next king?
Prologue- Brandon's POV