The Lizard with the...
By Drakie575
  • Adventure
  • adventure
  • alphonse
  • crossover
  • edward
  • edwardelric
  • fullmetalalchemist
  • inferno
  • lizardman
  • nightmare
  • siegfried
  • soulcalibur
  • souledge


Two worlds that are separated, one world study's the laws of alchemy, the other a war torn world caused by just two legendary swords. A family of 5 who had lost 2 of the most important people, but one whos mind was broken however was fixed. But what would happen if he returned to his true home with a legendary sword in hand and helped the ones he loved and save his nation? (This is my very first story of in the making and it was also my very first one that I have ever made so do not be so harsh on it cause I was pretty much dipping my toe's into making this story) I do not own anything from other companies except for my OC's. Please enjoy

Prologue: All Good Must End

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The Lizar...
by Drakie575