"One match of your choice, conditions of your choice. If you lose against me, you're staying no matter what." he proposed calmly and she stuttered, slightly taken aback. "Yoongi, hold on. That's too simple. This decision is bigger than -" "Sorry for this but exactly. Who the fuck said I'd let you leave so simply?" 【BTS fanfiction | Min Yoongi x OC】 【Genres: Action, Drama, Games, Romance, Youth】 Yoo Nari lived in Daegu with her grandmother, and while getting into fights with trouble-making kids in the neighbourhood, she often sprinted down the streets and slid into PC cafes to hide, or to get win streaks on her favourite FPS game 'Terror Replica Online'. Now she was eighteen: what started as a hobby to relax herself after school and befriend the other kids became her life now that she's three years into the leaderboard with her top teammates, her clan being BTS, the number one in Clan Rankings for Asia's server. All of it was online and she had never once given her real life identity, so when an E-Sports Tournament invited her clan and they needed to meet up in real life, she was nervous. Mysteriously, Nari's past 'scandals' with her previous accounts suddenly resurfaced and she didn't want to drag the team down with her. But since one of her teammates was actually Min Yoongi, her school jock and direct classmate all along, it'd be difficult to run past this. Eventually, would she stay in the clan for her friends, or would she leave for them? ---------------------------------------------------------- storyline & plot © epochbts [SLOW UPDATES]