His Anchor (Jasper...
By Cynthia_Writes_
  • Fanfiction
  • alicecullenxoc
  • bellaswan
  • carlislecullen
  • edwardcullen
  • emmettcullen
  • esmecullen
  • jasperhalexoc
  • rosaliehale
  • twilight


Winter Swan intelligent carefree who loved anything that had to do with the snow and cold weather. She was excited to go back to her hometown of forks the one place she was always happy to be. She always had a close relationship with her dad than she did her mom. Besides her dad the other reason she was happy to return home was to be closer to her boyfriend Jasper Hale who she had secretly been dating for over a year and a half. It was hard for her when she had to return to Phoenix every time as she only ever wanted to be in his arms. What happens when she's finally back in his arms only to soon discovered Jasper had been keeping a secret from her. Will they be able to get past it or is it to much for Winter to handle???

His Archor 🖤

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His Ancho...
by Cynthia_Writes_