Sea of Secrets
By Drewbieeeeee
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • bountyhunting
  • crime
  • curse
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • fighting
  • friendship
  • romance
  • strong
  • strongfemalelead


Set in the crime-ridden town of Davor, the West is home to the tall-spired manors and lavish luxury, while the East is plagued by neverending crime and filth. Mira Valdez was once a small girl from the mountains of Odina who before had marveled in her caretaker's retellings of old tall tales. But when Mira finds herself all alone with only stories to guide her, she is forced to flee to Davor where she is taken in by Nikolai Baro, an infamous Davorian bounty hunter with a vendetta against his older brother. The duo has little success despite their efforts as Mira struggles to find her lost family, and Nikolai struggles to find any motivation or bounties, but soon a friendship with an ambitious one-eyed boy gives their bounty hunting life again. Through their hardships, the three hunters will discover many secrets. Not just about the criminals and Court, but about themselves and each other. Author - D.T.

Prologue - Young Mira

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Sea of Se...
by Drewbieeeeee