silent abuse
By Karma23132
  • Random
  • abuse
  • badboy
  • broken
  • bullying
  • cliche
  • deadmother
  • depression
  • hell
  • romance
  • secrets


Belladonna Thorne, from her birth name Aiyana, is a 16 years old girl, turning 17 in a month. Ever since her mother died in a fire, she is abused by her father. She always tries her best to protect her 14 years old brother from getting beatings. What will happen when the broken family has to yet again move to another state, this time being Louisiana. Aaron Kingsley is as the clichés want him to be, the bad boy, number one player, feared by everyone with a "stone heart" but what will happen when the new girl arrives? Will he change his ways (we all know he will, otherwise this book would have no Interest so let me rephrase) Will it take long for him to change his ways or will it be love at first sight?

Chapter 1

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silent ab...
by Karma23132