The Endless: I am D...
By ImBatman370
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • alienworld
  • drama
  • evilmc
  • fantasy
  • gangster
  • manipulation
  • martialarts
  • pain
  • plot
  • psychological
  • seinen
  • wukong


Clive Wukong, a humanoid born in what we normal folks would call an alien world filled with ki cultivation and weird evolutions. a fantasy world if you will. He is also the Prince of the superior life forms called "Sky Primates". They have bushy tails that come in various colors but aside from that they look really human like, do not need to breathe and they live in a tower high above the war consumed inferior races on the surface. In the Sky Primate Tower there was once a single ruler. He has always known as the High King. He was the strongest being in the tower and likely the entire Star sized planet. Saving the surface and tower dwellers from mass extinction threats from space on a daily basis. But one day he fell in love with a surface dweller and married her. She was later known as the High Shadow Queen after taking upon herself the control of the entire criminal underworld of the tower. They eventually go on to have a son and one day after completing her queenly duties, she vanished with no trace to follow. Without the queen various dangerous people that weren't being kept in control by her, rose and new ones surfaced. Society panicked at the return of rather scary individuals and rioted at the police system for their incompetence. It was all chaos for so long until one day, the Queen's son decided he'd seen enough. He then decides to take over his mother's duties and successfully managed to do it before he even became a teenager. This is the story of that son after all of the chaos and blood as well as his journey towards his future objectives which he works towards using the most efficient means possible. No matter the cost. Author notes: yeah I'm making this about 50 chapters or less. Might make more if it gets popular which it probably won't. It's the full back story for a character I will write in a later book. It's also something more akin to that of a psychology, ki-science and politics.

Chapter 1: Decendants of the Monkey King: World synopsis

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The Endle...
by ImBatman370