Diary Of An Introve...
By tom_iwa
  • Romance
  • animelover
  • annoyingjerk
  • collegeromance
  • deadsibling
  • diary
  • englishproject
  • genie
  • hitandrun
  • introvert
  • tomboy


A stolen diary, an English project and a lot of hormonal teenagers starts off this story. Joanne is a feisty introverted college freshman that just so happens to be stuck with the most popular guy in school for an English project. Love blossoms and Joanne feels as though all will be fine. She would recover from her sister's death and finally be happy once again. Fate isn't having it though. Just when everything started to go in the right direction, her entire world based on fantasies of a better tomorrow comes crashing down. Just then she realizes that all she had ever accomplished and all the good things that ever happened to her were nothing but lies. When Joanne Gyles discovers her sister's killer but also happens to be in love with him, she must choose between what is right and what her heart wants. Excerpt: "As if I knew. Its just... Cory." I keep on ranting. "One moment he acts like he doesn't care, the next moment he's breathing down my neck with worry. I can't stand him, at the same time I hate when he's not around. Its like I'm addicted to what I hate the most. I'm so stressed out." Who is ever really able to explain the boy that you hated the most, forced you to be a genie, made you go to a party, made you start using cuss words. In short turned your life upside down, has made you also fall for him. Fall so deep that now, a life without him seems like a void in need of filling. It scared her. Love sucks, and that had been Joanne's motto for the past two years, fate had dealt her a bad hand but with Cory everything didn't seem all that bad.

Chapter 01 | Stuck With Him

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Diary Of...
by tom_iwa