The Cold - Hearted...
By gntlzephyr
  • Teen Fiction
  • assassins
  • comedy
  • dream
  • fiction
  • friendship
  • heartbrokened
  • love
  • pg13
  • romance
  • stupidness
  • vampire
  • werewolves


For a 19 year old Victoria Lockwood, life was a joyride with her two best friends, Ashlyn and hunter. Her being an assassin with her best friends, her being bitten by a vampire, her finding out her best friends are wolves. Her going through a terrible drama with a guy which caused her to become a cold hearted person, but still enjoys life by killing. The leader in command calls the three of them to do a mission to find a cruel man named Des Wan that has teamed up with the rogues to rule the world. A new member has to join them to take down Des Wan. But what happens when Ria finds out that the new member is the guy that caused her a lot of drama. And the same person that turned her into a cold hearted person. What will happen? Will she breakdown and cry or will she plot revenge towards him? They have to work together to take down Des Wan without Ria killing Axel


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The Cold...
by gntlzephyr